Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Why Arent You Using State of the Art Medical Alert Devices

medical coding training at home.

If you have elderly friends or family, leaving them alone can be a worry. With today's advances in technology however, you can gain some peace of mind knowing that if they need assistance for any reason it is only minutes away. Medical alert devices have seen such great improvements over the decades that now there are many wireless options that will automatically activate the emergency medical system in the event of need. Medscope offers innovative and convenient medical alert devices that allow your loved one to wear an alert button around their wrist or neck. If for any reason they feel they need assistance, they will simply press the button and the system will be activated. This will open a direct line between the user's home and the response center. The operator on the other end of the line has been extensively trained in assessing the situation even if the person in need is unable to speak. Then based on the emergency situation and predetermined choices, the operator will notify your local EMS and those listed on the contact list.

In addition to notifying necessary rescue personnel, family and/or friends, the operator handling the situation will have access to pertinent medical information about the user. For instance, they will be able to pass along to those on the scene current medical conditions, medications and allergy concerns. Moreover, the homeowner has the option of purchasing a lockbox that can be stored outside the home next to the door for use by emergency responders. In the event that the EMS is dispatched, the operator can pass along the code to access a house key inside the box and allow for easy entrance into the users home. Through the of a combination of medical alert devices such as the pendants, phone dialer base, lockboxes as well as multilingual operators, elderly or home bound individuals can be assured that they will receive efficient and effective medial assistance if needed.

As an innovative adjunct to those medical alert devices mentioned above, MedicTag has state of the art options that are quickly replacing medical alert bracelets. These USB devices can be of amazing help in the event of an emergency. With the use of a memory chip, all of the individuals critical medical information can be stored. First responders or providers can then access the information with the use of�a laptop or computer. This in essence is intended to reduce medical errors, provide pertinent and critical information as well as afford medical personnel the necessary information to provide quality care without starting from scratch. These are especially helpful if the patient is unable to communicate regardless of the cause (illness, disease or accident).

medical coding training at home.