medical coding training at home.
In the traditional medical paradigm, a disease is a set or collection of signs and symptoms that describe a given state of body affairs. Cancer is a disease relating to the immune system; arthritis is a disease relating to the joints, and so on. The treatment of disease is generally in the form of a mechanical intervention (surgery) or chemical intervention (medication). But, a disease is also encapsulated thought energy. In the system of energy medicine, a dis-ease is a reflection of mind/body/spirit energy at unrest. The treatment of dis-ease is a combination of mental, physical, and spiritual techniques to set the energy system at rest, to give it ease. The two systems are not mutually exclusive. There are times when both are necessary for healing. What is different is the approach. In general, the modern medical system creates more unease, or dis-ease, as it attempts to heal. Great fear is generated by hearing a physician give a diagnosis. Fear is generated when taking medications as the list of possible side effects are heard. The question is, how can unease help to heal dis-ease? Now, there are a great many compassionate physicians who can calm their patient's fears. There are also many physicians who feel this calming is simply not part of their training or responsibilities.
Ease can heal dis-ease. The body is a self-healing mechanism. The skin can grow and completely heal a scratch. The organs can detoxify and begin to function normally again. Miracles of healing are documented each year. Even our genetic codes can be changed by our thoughts and emotions. One of the most striking examples of the instantaneous healing of the body has been documented in cases of multiple personalities. In one case, a woman was a diabetic in one personality. When she changed personalities, all signs of diabetes were absent, instantaneously. Change back, and the signs of diabetes were there in the blood sugar. Change back again, and blood sugar was normal!
The body heals when it is given peace instead of fear. The body heals when the mind calms and quiets and stops running in circles of worry and doubt. In her classic book, You can Heal Your Life, Louise Hay lists hundreds of diseases and then identifies their mental causes. Anger, hate, fear, resentment, holding on to the past all create dis-ease. Louise Hay also offers affirmations for each dis-ease to be used to bring about a sense of healing and peace. Norman Cousins, when diagnosed with a life ending disease, sat in his hospital room watching Three Stooges movies. He laughed and laughed, and healed! He created a sense of ease that enabled the body to counter the disease. Now, the last thing most folks thing about when hurting is laughing. In our society, disease is serious and something to be afraid of. Disease is something to be "cured" by physical and mechanical means. But laughter, and affirmations, and turning your attention to what brings you joy, can also heal disease, because they heal dis-ease.
Now you ask, how can I be happy when I'm sick? How can I be at ease when my body aches, and my heart is full of fear? It's at these times most of all that we must turn our mind and body towards ease. It takes courage! And persistence! The most readily accessible techniques for turning dis-ease toward ease are basic meditation techniques. Writing affirmations as Louise Hay suggests is very powerful. Gerald Epstein, in his book, Healing Visualizations, describes how to use visualization techniques for specific diseases. Practicing mindfulness meditation daily by setting aside a time period for sitting and following your breath as it comes and goes from you nose is another calming technique. Luke Chan, a Chi-Lel Chi Gong Master from China studied in a medicine-less hospital in China. There patients who are at their last straw go to learn healing Chi Gong techniques, producing hundreds of stories of complete healing by using the mind and body in a harmonious way.
Closer to home, it is important when we are feeling sick and scared, to do something for ourselves that brings us comfort and ease. Perhaps it is as simple as taking a nap during the day in freshly laundered sheets. Perhaps it's the smell of comfort food cooking in the kitchen. When I was a home health physical therapist in the mountains, I remember one patient who's caregiver always cooked the most aroma giving meals. Each time I walked into the house, the scent of cooking filled the air. I asked the caregiver why she went to the trouble to fix the meals. She simply said, the scent was comforting to her patient! You have the ability to find ease within any dis-ease. And finding ease will release pain and allow the body to rest and heal. Being angry, frightened, worried only brings about more dis-ease within any disease. We all have the choice of how to face our fears. Most of the time we react to our fears and try to fight them, which only makes them worse. Act gently, with a calm knowing that all will turn out well. And it will. Even if the outcome is what we feared, we find that we can still be at peace and at ease. We find that we still can heal.
medical coding training at home.