Saturday, March 31, 2012

Africa Mobile Technology - Learning From the Not-For-Profit Sector

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Mobile phone networks have proven to be a vital piece of technology for Africa. The technology is playing an important part in bridging the infrastructure divide and assisting entrepreneurs and businesses to improve efficiency. The mobile revolution is still in its infancy and organizations are slowly adopting new tools and technology to conduct business. The not-for-profit sector has been on the forefront of adopting and piloting a number of projects and there are some interesting learning for the business world.

Communication for the mobile age

One of the major challenges for any operation is keeping customers informed. When conducting customer service surveys in Africa, outlets often complain about the lack of communication about product offerings and promotions. Many customers are also frustrated about a lack of timely information. As one retailer put it to me in Guinea, "by the time we get to understand the mechanics of the promotion, the promotion has ended." Most managers and supervisors are using SMS extensively to communicate with customers and increasingly companies are adopting it as an enterprise application strategy. FrontlineSMS created a text messaging system for not-for-profit organizations to address poor communication, which is seen as a major barrier for many organizations. The system leverages tools already available to most organizations, namely computers and mobile phones. The same system is being adopted by companies. For example, companies can use the system to send out mass SMS messages. Companies can categorize their databases and tailor messages according to trade channels and profiles. Companies can also use the system to collaborate more effectively with trade partners and share information.

Mobile learning

In Africa, as in many parts of the world, people are spending more time reading text on mobile phones and mobile learning has seen some interesting developments. Projects such as the Imfundo Yami/Imfundo Yethu in South Africa is currently piloting a project to teach kids mathematics on the mobile phone. The Shuttleworth Foundation in South Africa has also taken the initiative with the M4lit (Mobiles for literacy) project to get children to read. In Africa, where corporate training budgets are often overstretched, mlearning can be viable blended learning option.

Mobile Search

With limited cash flow, many retailers run out of stock on a regular basis and delivery frequency does not always satisfy demand. With low drop sizes (low purchases) increasing delivery frequency is not always a viable option. Outlets are sometimes unaware where to purchase stock when they run out. Mobile search, such as applied by Google's Application Laboratory (AppLab) in partnership with the Grameen Foundation, models interesting possibilities for business. AppLab builds on the success of another earlier project, Village Phone, in which local entrepreneurs rent cell phone use to villagers. AppLab includes Farmer's Friend, a searchable database with agricultural advice and weather forecasts, Clinic Finder, to locate nearby health clinics, and Google Trader, which matches buyers and sellers of agricultural produce, commodities and other products. Companies can adopt mobile search to provide important information regarding location and product offering to consumers. It can also be used to assist shop owners in locating the nearest supply point. Users can text a query to a short code and the service will text back the result.

Mapping stock-outs

Most companies in Africa will tell you that visibility in the supply chain is one of the biggest challenges they face. With a lack of IT infrastructure it is difficult to keep track of stock levels and sales data; real time data is just a dream for most. However, organizations are increasingly starting to use mobile phones for data collection. currently uses the Ushahidi website mashup, online mapping technology, to track stock-outs of medical supplies with text messages in Kenya, Malawi, Uganda and Zambia, all in near real time. Ushahidi was initially developed to map reports of violence in Kenya after the post-election fallout in 2008. Text messages are connected with mashups, and create a picture of medical out of stocks. Businesses can use the same technology to track sales and stock levels and identify problem areas and regions. Online mapping can also be used to collect outlet base information and create route maps for distributors and salesmen.

SMS for counterfeit

Most African consumers can testify that purchasing medication can be a risky undertaking. International Medical Products Anti-Counterfeiting Taskforce (IMPACT) estimates counterfeits comprise around 1% of sales in developed countries and more than 10% in developing countries. However, in parts of Africa, more that 30% of the medicines on sale can be counterfeit. MPedigree, a non-profit based in Ghana fights counterfeiting with SMS technology. Consumers can SMS a scratch off panel code to determine if medicine is counterfeit. The same technology can also be used by companies in the textile and beverage sectors, where counterfeit is rampant and a major barrier for market entry.

Banking for the unbanked

With very low banking penetration in Africa, mobile banking provides great opportunities for organizations. Many distributors run out of stock because, as one distributor explained in Zambia, "to go to the bank is half a day out of my trading day. But no cash, no delivery". Mobile banking (M-Banking) schemes such as M-PESA in Kenya and Wizzit in South Africa are receiving increased attention. As most mobile phone users make use of prepaid cards, prepaid calling credit has emerged as a viable mobile paying system in some countries, notably Kenya. Customers can use M-Banking to pay bills and transfer money. M-PESA is also being used as a savings account even though the scheme does not pay interest. Olga Morawszynski's excellent research on M-Pesa found that it saves people time that they would otherwise spend traveling between their home and city to deliver money. M-banking holds real potential for organizations in Africa where cash flow and a reliable banking infrastructure remains a constant headache.

Mobile phones have had an enormous impact on peoples' lives in Africa and can be counted an unparalleled success when compared to any other technology. As a cheap available technology, mobile technology presents a great opportunity and companies should seize the opportunity.

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Affiliate Tips to Raise Your ROI - From Loser to Winner in 30 Days

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"Todd" was keen to compete in one of the most notoriously difficult categories - work-at-home. He was smart, earnest, hard-working and keen to make affiliate marketing more than just a part-time endeavor. He had dreams of living on the beach in Mexico and surfing between sessions at the computer.

He had put together a sweet little landing site. He had 20 keyword groups running about 10,000 unique visitors a month. He was spending $5,000 per month on pay per click on sales of $6,000. He was collecting email addresses at a rate of 100/day through an opt-in form. He had placed his Google tracking data on the confirmation page of his subscription form. He had great data he collected daily over the past 4 months. He had calculated his visitor value based on commissions divided by clicks and was bidding accordingly. He was a dream client.

Could I help him?

I was drooling over this one. In this case I was 100% sure I could at least double his profits, and likely triple or quadruple. Why was I so sure?

1) He was tracking sign-ups, not conversions

2) He was selling 22 different items off of one landing page

3) He was calculating his visitor value incorrectly

The first thing I did was turn off his keyword groups one at a time. When I got to his top keyword group, the one with the highest conversion rate, we prepared for a massive drop in commissions. There was only a slight dip.

He was stunned. He had made a simple assumption - that there would be a correlation between signups and sales. That is, a keyword that produces twice as many signups would likewise produce twice as many sales. But that wasn't true. We had seen vividly that there were keywords that produced lots of signups but few sales, and visa versa. He was bidding based on wrong data. His finely-tuned Ferrari of a website was, in fact, a peddler's cart of clanking pots and pans strapped on with little thought to efficiency.

I had him write letters to each of his advertisers, requesting they place his Google tracking code on their Thank You page. That way he could track sales directly. (Important: Place the code in an attachment; email programs can scramble the code.)

Most didn't answer. Normal. After three failed attempts, I advised him to drop that particular advertiser. Others refused, to which I reply, "Are you nuts?" No one stands to profit more from an efficient affiliate than the advertiser. I recommended that he drop them, too. He did, all but one, which was a big money-maker.

Now that he was actually tracking actual sales, not subscriptions, the guesswork was gone. We began eliminating keywords - lots of keywords. Advertising costs plummeted. Sales sailed along at the same pace.

But we were not done.

His landing site was very broad, selling over 20 different products, which was find for keyword groups like work-at-home. Yet about half of his Google ads were related to specific product. I had him create mini-landing pages to receive these ads. For example, a keyword group on medical transcription was no longer directed to the main landing page, but to a mini-landing page with info about medical transcription only. This slashed his bounce backs and upped his sales.

Finally, I had him recalculate visitor value for each keyword group. A visitor who came from a search on "free home-business ideas" is worth far less than one who types, "medical transcription." We adjusted his bids accordingly.

The results? His sales stayed at $6,000 per month, while his advertising costs plummeted to $2,500 per month. His monthly profit had increased 350%, from $1,000 to $3,500. It took about a month to complete the project, and, yes, it was a lot of work, but it was certainly worth it. Best of all, he now had the information he needed to keep the campaign on track as sectors go hot and cold, and keywords get overbid. Whereas his competitors were working in the dark, he understood why and how his site was performing, and why and how it was not.

So let's review the steps

1)Turn off one keyword group at a time to test assumptions

2)Add tracking to advertiser welcome pages

3)Remove poorly-converting keywords

4)Create mini-landing pages for certain keyword groups

5)Recalculate bids based on visitor value by keyword.

We had taken a campaign that was producing a modest income and transformed it into a juggernaut, without any SEO, all built around pay per click advertising, a hot website and a killer auto-responder sequence. But none of that would have worked without first tracking the keywords that allowed us to find not just any customer, but the right customers.

medical coding training at home.

Affiliate Program Business Opportunities - The Genesis of Your Future

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Let your imagination soar.

People often ask me after a presentation if affiliate programs are really the route to go. Unless you are a Rockefeller with bottomless pockets, the affiliate business is the ONLY way to go.

Here's why:

1. You need to invest nothing to start.

  • I know of a fellow that has built a massive world wide business online selling asphalt machinery, parts and training. He never spent a cent developing these machines or building factories to make them. His income is in the 6 figures.

  • Someone else makes a large income being an affiliate for a German company that sells very specialized medical imaging machines. They spent hundreds of millions developing these things. He didn't spend a cent, but his affiliate income would make a brain surgeon's mouth water.

2. You can easily build your business at your own speed.

  • A really great business can be built up in your spare time. You might be a little tired sometimes after work, but the more you keep at it, the more exciting it becomes as you see the fruits of your labors start to show up in your bank account.

3. All of the hard stuff has already been taken care of.

  • Not long ago, you would have to come up with thousands of dollars for your bank to allow you a merchant account so you could accept credit cards over the internet. All you have to do now is sign up with ClickBank and PayPal and you are all set. The sign up is free and they charge a very modest percentage of each transaction as their fee. They are rock solid and highly secure. That's good news for you and your customers as you develop your affiliate business internet marketing online skills.

  • Even the computer code is user friendly. All you'll have to decide is whether you want Pay Per Click traffic, PPL, seo'd article traffic or just good old organic traffic off the engines.

4. For the first time in your life, you can follow your heart as you explore affiliate program business opportunities.

  1. If you have a passion for radio controlled airplanes, but you live in a small town, the chances of your making a living pursuing your passion where you live are pretty small.

  2. Go online with the passion of your life and the world is your orchard. Yes, you can make a substantial income from a web business built on something that makes your heart race. How good can it get?

Can you see now why affiliate program affiliate opportunities are your ticket to freedom, the Genesis of the rest of your life?

5. How do you want it? Spend 30 or 40 years at a job you loath or spend some fun filled hours learning and building an affiliate business internet marketing program, something that will enrich your life?

medical coding training at home.

Advantages of Medical Billing and Coding Certification

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Today medical billing and coding certification has become a rapidly growing sector in the field of medical services. Medical billing and coding certification is a certificate obtained after taking training in such programs offered by various institutes. After obtaining certification the individual becomes eligible to gain work as a medical biller or medical coder. The field of certification offers a gamut of unlimited opportunities to the trained professionals in the arena of medical services and they can work in the area of expertise like insurance companies, hospitals and physician's office etc.

Today various firms offer jobs to the individuals who have gone through medical billing and coding certification since they demand professionals not only with training but also with sufficient practical experience in the field. That is why certification has gained its popularity and is being desired by many individuals interested to enter this field. Obtaining the certificate is not a difficult task but if you are one fond of learning it you can just follow three months training program and become a successful biller and coder. There are many home based billers and coders but they also need to be certified in order to build up a good clientele base.

Although, certification is not mandatory but in order to build up a good reputation in the market, it has become a necessity. It enhances the credibility of the professional biller and medical coder thereby, taking him to a high level. Certification helps the individual to get more job opportunities along with a good salary. Moreover, firms prefer those holding such certification since it directly indicates that the individual possesses sufficient skills and knowledge in that area of expertise. Certification can also assist the medical biller and coder to further start his/her own business due to the fact that marketability is enhanced through certification.

medical coding training at home.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Advanced Careers For the Medical Assistant

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Medical assistants are in high demand, and the opportunities for career advancement are many. With further education or on the job training, a certified medical assistant can transition into a number of related disciplines. At the start of a career, assistants most often are employed in physician's offices, clinics and urgent cares. Job duties may include phlebotomy, taking patient histories, taking and recording vital signs, giving injections, billing and coding as well as various clerical duties. Those who choose to further careers with cross training and additional academic courses will discover vast opportunities within the medical field.

Cross training as a way to transition into higher paying jobs is very common among allied health care professionals. Further education can lead to careers as an R.N., physical therapy assistant, medical records specialist, home health aide or Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN). All of these professions build upon the education received in a medical assisting program; therefore, it can be considered a stepping stone into advanced career opportunities.

Registered Nurses

Registered nurses are employed in hospitals, clinics, urgent cares, and specialized facilities. Many technical colleges offer programs called Medical Assistant to R.N. programs. Students first achieve certification as an assistant, and then advance through the curriculum to complete the nursing program.

Medical Records Technicians

Records technicians are often responsible for making sure that patients' records are accurate and in order. While they do not provide patient care, they are required to be knowledgeable about the care that has been provided, as well as be proficient in medical terminology, billing, coding and transcription.

Home Health Aides

Home health aides typically work under the supervision of a registered nurse and carry out the specific home health care plan for patients as prescribed by a physician. Home health care aides must complete a four to six week curriculum to be eligible for certification in this specialized allied health career.

Physical Therapy Assistant

Physical therapy assistants often work in the therapeutic departments of hospitals, doctors' offices, sports clinics and physical therapy offices. Knowledge of ROM exercises, heat and cold therapies, ambulation and therapy techniques is required for this profession.

Licensed Practical Nurse

Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN), also known as Licensed Vocational Nurses (LVN) are directly involved with patient care, most often in hospital settings, nursing homes, clinics, private homes and group homes. Additional education beyond the certified assisting program as well as licensing is required to work as an LPN.

medical coding training at home.

Adoption - Important Facts For Prospective Parents

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Adoption is when the birth parents of a child sever all legal ties to their child, and the parental rights are legally given over to the new adoptive family, who are strangers.

Apart from adopting a child from your own country, intercountry adoption is also available as there are also many children from international countries who need a family.

In the UK and the USA, children are usually given up for adoption because they have been mistreated; other reasons are due to teenage pregnancy, or because the birth parents are no longer able to look after the child, or they have given up the child because it isn't the right sex, it has some form of disability, or because they simply don't want a child.

There are many different reasons for wanting to adopt - if couples are unable to conceive, if they want to help others by adopting, and now there are same-sex couples who prefer to adopt.

The adoption process varies from one country to another. The ethics for eligibility can differ in each country which can include the age limit, the requirements for same-sex adoption couples, and whether a single person is able to adopt.

Placing a child into care and up for adoption is free in the United States. Adopting fees for the parents vary in different countries, and even in some, to charge an adoption fee would be illegal. In the United States, for adoptions you are given a $10,000 tax credit.

The new parents face many concerns in adoption. The child's family history and their family medical history may be unknown, or kept secret until the child starts to ask questions about where they come from. This usually happens when a child is old enough to ask the right questions, or when they feel the need to 'find themselves'. There are always misconcepts about children who have been fostered and this is usually fuelled by the media. Some children are thought of as not being able to develop properly or will become problem, but that is not always the case, as children can fare well when given a new,loving home and go on to lead successful lives. However, many children lose out and some reach the eighteen when they are too old to be adopted and are legally adults. They fall out of the system.

Not everyone chooses to understand or support adoption, although Americans are experienced in it. The history of adoption can be traced as far back as the 18th Century B.C. During Ancient times it was more popular to adopt adults rather than children so that they could carry on the family heritage or to protect the family's property rights. Men and women single or married had the right to adopt.

Modern adoption laws are based on the heritage in 18th Century B.C. of the Hammurabi Code. Adopting adults was the focus in Ancient Times as a means for someone to follow in one's footsteps; whilst the Middle Ages set some ground rules with their focus on the adoption of children. Certain laws were placed in order to protect children, so by this time adoptions were dealt with by the court systems. It was in 1851, in Massachusetts, that the first state adoption took place. Rev. Charles Loring Brace was the founder of the New York Children's Aid Society in 1853, which helped orphaned and abandoned children. He wanted to rescue these children and transport them to good Christian homes. They were placed on Brace's 'Emigration Plan' onto regular trains called the 'Orphan Trains' for families to view at each station, until they were taken up by one of many of the wealthy farming families.

Times have changed, although we still want the best for our children, although it is still sometimes difficult to know what that is. Adoption is one of the best things to have happened over the centuries, to give children without a home a good chance to find one.

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ADDADHD and Academic Performance Real-Life Ideas I Wish Parents and Teachers Knew

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Children with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) may show the following behaviors in the classroom: impulsivity, chronic procrastination, difficulty remaining on task, extreme inattention, inability to concentrate and focus, daydreaming, emotionally immature, hard time with personal relationships, immature social skills, and difficulty interacting with peers. Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) may show some of the above behaviors as well as display excess energy, anxiety, and the need to be in constant movement.

As you may have probably noticed, oppositional, non compliance and aggressive behaviors are not listed as symptoms of ADD/ADHD. While it is common for children to show some form of self directed and non compliant behavior, these behaviors should not be used to diagnose ADD/ADHD and are not as common as impulsivity and inattention. A child with ADD/ADHD may be seen as disruptive in a classroom due to their short attention, hyperactivity and forgetfulness but with the appropriate interventions, a patient and willing teacher can make all the difference in the world.

Behaviors related to ADD/ADHD in children will change as the child grows older and changes. A child in pre-school or kindergarten may release their energy through constant jumping and climbing, while an older child or adolescent may be extremely fidgety in his/her seat, be restless and impatient, and deliver sloppy or incomplete homework assignments. They key is to remember that every child, no matter what age, has unique strengths and talents as well as weaknesses and thus, there is no one intervention or program that can address every child's needs.

It is my opinion that our school system does not provide the appropriate environment nor the necessary tools and resources for learning. Many children with ADD/ADHD are of average or above average intelligence but because of the way our classrooms are set up, some of these children will end up failing. The truth is our children are trained to sit, listen and follow instructions or directions. They are told it is wonderful to be creative but are not given the space or the motivation to be so. They are not given the opportunity to uniquely approach situations and will eventually have to conform. When a child conforms to what's around him/her they loose what made them special in the first place. Unfortunately, many of our schools are not open to the possibility of change and would rather medicate our children than to implement creative and unique modifications and interventions, which will help them into adulthood.

The following are a few tips and ideas that teachers and parents can do to help their student or child perform better at school:

Easily Distracted and Difficulty Remaining on Task

1) Provide the child with the opportunity to sit in the front row or close to the teacher. This will help the child pay more attention to the teacher and less attention to what's around him/her.

2) The teacher and the child should come together on deciding on an appropriate signal the teacher could use to help the child stay on task. For example, the teacher could walk by and pat the child on the shoulder or tap the desk with her hand or pen. These subtleties will bring the student's attention back to the task at hand.


It is extremely common for ADD/ADHD children to forget homework assignments, trip slips, projects, keys, hats and other personal or educational material.

1) Give your child short and clear instructions and have them reiterate what was said to them. Repeat your instruction several times.

2) Provide your child with a homework book where the teacher will sign after the child has written down his/her homework for the day. Have the child write down the exact pages and books he/she will need. The parent should also sign the homework once it has been completed.

3) Parents can speak with their child's school and find out if their child can use a pocket recorder to record assignments, projects, lectures, etc.

4) Find out if assignments and other projects could be emailed or written down for you ahead of time. This way you could begin reminding your child of what they are expected to bring home that day.

5) Instruct your child to keep a certain item in a certain place. For example, the house keys should be kept in the inside pocket of their school bag, their gloves in their coat pocket. Color code their school material (e.g. science in red folder, math in blue folder) and have everything for that particular subject in that same color. This will help save time when your child is looking for a particular book and will help them better organize their assignments.

Excessive energy or Restlessness

1) Talk with the teacher about sending your child on an errand (e.g. bringing a note to the principal's office) or letting him walk around the hallway, whenever he/she is showing signs of restlessness and/or are fidgety. This will in turn help the child release some energy and will allow him or her to sit and focus better in the classroom

2) Provide your child with an object he can manipulate in his hands that is neither noisy nor distracting to the other children. For example, a stress ball will help keep him in motion while he is still able to listen to the class instruction.


1) It is fairly common for children with ADD/ADHD to be disorganized with paperwork. The teacher should take a few moments to make sure the student has all assignments, tests, etc. when they are heading home. Parents should also help the child clean out his/her folder, book bag, etc. once a week so as to avoid excess clutter.

2) Try pairing the child with a student who is organized and can help them better organize their desk or locker. If possible, the two should meet an hour a day (during a free period) and should discuss ways to help the ADD/ADHD child organize and manage paperwork and school material. A counselor could also be extremely helpful.

Poor Study Skills

1) The parent and child should agree on a location where the child can go to complete homework and study. The place should be free of distractions (e.g. television, telephone). Once you have both decided on a location, set a specific time when your child will go to this place and begin their assignment. Your child should begin homework or any other school task at the same time everyday. Take into account any activities that may occur after school and be consistent with the time. Provide your child with a break for a snack, the chance to walk around or go to the bathroom.

2) Set time limits for assignments. A stop watch or egg timer will serve as a reminder as to how much time has passed and how much time remains. Pat your child on the shoulder or rub his/her back to help them regroup.

3) Praise completion of work and provide positive feedback often.

4) Allow the child to jump from one assignment to another if that is what will keep his/her attention. What's important is that the work is completed and completed well.

5) If the work calls for it, assist your child with any questions or projects. Try to make learning fun.

6) Set appropriate consequences for incomplete assignments and poor grades. Be firm but fair and be clear of what is expected.

Remember to talk to your child's teachers before the school year begins and provide them with ideas that have worked for you at home. Be open minded to what they have to say and feel free to ask questions regarding what has worked for them. Don't feel intimidated to stand up and advocate for what you know will truly help your child have a successful year. Remind the teacher you want to work together because both of you have the child's best interest in mind. Stay in touch with the teacher as often as possible and create an open field of communication.

medical coding training at home.

A Tea-O-Con Case Study - Incumbent Rep Jason Chaffetzs Legacy of Likability

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With the recent ouster of Bob Bennett, it seems many incumbent Republicans are scrambling and cranking up the spin-machine in an attempt to jump aboard the recent "Liberty/Tea Party" freight-train. I like to call these folks Tea-o-Cons; Neo-Conservatives who leverage true-blue American libertarian rhetoric to get elected, then once they are in power they actually legislate against liberty and libertarian values. It's the old "bait & switch" scam and they are essentially Neo-Conservative wolves in Sheep's clothing.

On July 12th, 2003, Rep. Ron Paul gave a speech to Congress where he described the Neo-Conservatives ("neo-cons" for short) as former leftists (he calls them former-Trotsky-ites) and their beliefs:

1) Permanent revolution; violent as well as intellectual

2) Re-drawing the middle east through force

3) Pre-emptive war to achieve desired ends

4) The ends justify the means

5) No opposition to the Welfare state

6) Strongly endorse American empire

7) Lying is necessary for the state to survive

8) Believe a power Federal government is a benefit

9) Pertinent acts about how a society should be run should be decided by the elite and withheld from those who don't have the "courage" to deal with it

10) Neutrality in foreign affairs is ill-advised. Force should not be limited to the defense of our country

11) They dislike and despise libertarians

12) Attacks on civil liberties are necessary

13) Unconditionally support Israel

In essence, Neo-Cons are pro-war, anti-liberty, anti-accountability, deceptive, and pro-Zionist. Tea-O-Cons are simply Neo-Conservative wolves in Tea Party sheep's clothing. Since I am running for the same office currently held by former Democrat, now Republican Jason Chaffetz, I thought I'd apply a Tea-O-Con analysis toward his legislative legacy. Now, those who've seen incumbent Rep. Jason Chaffetz (UT-3) on The Colbert Nation being soundly defeated in leg wrestling (which is even funnier given he was a kicker for BYU) or doing photo-ops with a goat know that Mr. Chaffetz is very likable. I am in no way whatsoever contesting Mr. Chaffetz's affability. And to be totally fair, Rep. Jason Chaffetz, has never claimed to be libertarian or to be a staunch defender of the Constitution or Bill of Rights, as far as I know.

In addition to being likable, Chaffetz is very media savvy, having a background in marketing. It's interesting that Chaffetz issued a warning on his Twitter account that communicates on many levels:

"If any one person(s) tries to co-opt it, the Tea Party will lose its identity and effectiveness."

Whether this is an admonishment of his fellow Neo-Cons' strategy to blatantly take over the movement or if it is his attempt to establish credibility with legit, grassroots Tea Party people (or both) isn't important. What is important is that Chaffetz is well aware of the need to appear like he's pro-Tea Party to distract from his clear Neo-Conservative voting record.

I suppose that is ultimately why I decided to run to represent Utah's 3rd Congressional district. I believe that our country was founded upon rugged libertarian values that were ultimately codified in our Constitution and our Bill of Rights and we need to look past all the photo-ops and publicity stunts to see if Utah's 3rd district congressional representative has repeatedly voted against the liberties enshrined in the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights or not. Unfortunately it seems, that despite Mr. Chaffetz's rhetoric and affability, his legislative record has been decidedly anti-liberty, pro-war, and even anti-accountability.

"[R]especting the right of individuals to be wrong, as long as they do not interfere with the rights of others, is one of the pillars of a free society."

- Rep. Ron Paul, from the forward of Judge Andrew P. Napolitano's 'Lies The Government Told You'


-Rep. Chaffetz voted for 'HR 4061: Cybersecurity Act of 2009'. Even more egregious than the approval to spend $503 million taxpayer dollars is the fact that Chaffetz's vote gave broad over-reaching power to the President to "declare a cybersecurity emergency and order the limitation or shutdown of Internet traffic to and from any compromised Federal Government or United States critical infrastructure information system or network" (from section 18). This has the potential to destroy the livelihood of countless struggling small business owners that depend on the internet to put food on the table for their families, not to mention it will very well stop the free-flow of information and ideas at the whim of the President.

-Freedom of contract is a bedrock of libertarianism and laissez faire economics. The freedom to contract says that people are free to enter into any agreement with each other without any government restrictions, and as such the state should only get involved if one party breaks the contract. Perhaps the most important agreement in all human affairs is the marriage contract; the agreement made between two people devoting their lives to each other. Government simply does not have the authority to define, license or restrict this contract. Despite this, the incumbent Representative Jason Chaffetz cosponsored H.J. Res 37, a constitutional amendment that would mandate that same-sex couples be excluded from the right to marry everywhere in the United States.

Even if the state had the authority to dictate such agreements, it is still an abrogation of the 10th Amendment and would affect Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa, Vermont and New Hampshire since they've approved same sex marriage. H.J. Res 37 would also prevent same-sex couples from attaining the same legal status as married couples by an arrangement having a name other than marriage. This just seems cruel that those same sex couples that don't even want to use the word marriage still cannot be treated equally before the law.

- FACT: Rep. Jason Chaffetz just voted to increase TAX penalties for gun manufacturers. Let me repeat that so it fully sinks in: Incumbent Rep. Jason Chaffetz just voted to further increase TAX penalties on firearms manufacturers. Utahn Gun Rights and Liberty Advocates need to wake up and fast. Chaffetz voted to pass H.R. 5552: The Firearms Excise Tax Improvement Act of 2010 (along with incumbent Reps. Matheson and Bishop).

Frankly, I can't think of anything more un-American and stomach churning than this. This bill does a number of things that are a direct affront to liberty, foremost it adds complexity to an already overbearing tax code by changing the existing due and payable date, which will only serve to increase tax penalty receipts. If this isn't complicated, then I don't know what is). Second, a vote for this bill supports and refines the notion that somehow firearms manufacturers are responsible for how criminals use firearms. Mr. Chaffetz, how are gun manufacturers responsible for "CRIMINAL RESTITUTION"? Third, in addition to increased complexity, it actually increases the tax penalty on entrepreneurs (gun manufacturers) which is bad enough in this economy, but it will undoubtedly lead to higher prices for consumers who simply wish to defend themselves and their families while exercising their 2nd Amendment rights. Fourth, this bill supports the funding of government intervention in the economy, aka employment "incentives". Where in the Constitution are employment incentives mentioned?

A vote for this bill is a vote to increase tax receipts and tax code complexity and it works against entrepreneurs (gun manufacturers) and consumers all while funding government intervention in the economy.

-While I applaud Mr. Chaffetz's vote to not renew the Patriot Act (which unfortunately was renewed anyway), I am quite upset by Mr. Chaffetz's attempt to weaken the requirement within the USA PATRIOT Amendments Act of 2009 (H.R. 3845) that mandates that the government must have a written statement (national security letter) of specific facts that show that the records sought after pertain to actual suspected spies or terrorists, to better protect the Fourth Amendment privacy of U.S. persons that have no ties to foreign intelligence. The amendment that Mr. Chaffetz presented failed on a voice vote but unfortunately a "manager's amendment" created to address concerns raised by the Obama Administration did pass giving both Chaffetz and the Obama administration what they both wanted, weakened USA PATRIOT Act reform.

- Why is Rep. Jason Chaffetz, a representative from Utah's 3rd district, trying to overturn action by the D.C. City Council that would allow medical marijuana usage in the nation's capital with H. J. Res. 93? Is he D.C.'s representative or Utah's? In a larger sense, Chaffetz doesn't seem to understand that, per the U.S. Constitution, to outlaw a mind-altering substance, you need a constitutional amendment. It has been done before, and when Prohibition failed, the amendment was repealed. Beyond being anti-liberty, the War on Drugs is unconstitutional and incredibly wasteful. But Mr. Chaffetz clearly isn't interested in either liberty, fiscal responsibility, or the Constitution here.

INCUMBENT REP. JASON CHAFFETZ'S PRO-WAR LEGACY - Utah's City Weekly even awarded Mr. Chaffetz the "Best War Hypocrite" award. From their 2010 "Best of" edition (please note, I don't approve of their abrasive ad hominems):

"We hoped Rep. Jason Chaffetz, media whore though he may be, could fashion himself into a contrarian, principled Republican. He now seems every bit as slimy and untrustworthy as the rest of Congress. In November, he said, 'Mr. President, it's time to bring our troops home' from Afghanistan, a war that has cost $3.6 billion per month and killed more than 1,000 American soldiers. Just three months later, he voted against a resolution that would direct the president to do exactly that. His pro-war vote came less than a week after attending the funeral of Carlos A. Aragon, 19, or Orem, and just before attending the funeral of Nigel K. Olsen, 21, of Salem, both of whom died in Afghanistan."

The resolution that Mr. Chaffetz chose to vote against was H.Con.Res.248. It seems he did even worse than that though, he said one thing, then voted the exact opposite. His vote has only promoted war and wasteful spending.

Jason Chaffetz voted for co-sponsoring 'HR 2194: Expanding Economic War with Iran'. I think Rep. Ron Paul said it best when he described this bill thus "We need to see all this for what it is: Propaganda to speed us to war against Iran for the benefit of special interests."

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. Hate multiplies hate, violence multiplies violence, and toughness multiplies toughness in a descending spiral of destruction... The chain reaction of evil-hate begetting hate, wars producing more wars-must be broken, or we shall be plunged into the dark abyss of annihilation."

-Martin Luther King, Jr., Strength To Love, 1963

medical coding training at home.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

A Recession-Proof Career - Medical Billing

medical coding training at home.

Doctors everywhere rely more and more on professionally trained staff members for their daily office procedures. The same holds true for hospitals and their billing departments. Rapid technological advances deepen the need for highly skilled personnel. Billing practices have changed a lot over the years.

Medical billing procedures have become more complex as medical services are more and more specialized. Medical billers submit claims to health insurance companies or in many cases the government. Claims under Medicare are directly billed to the government. The medical biller seeks to recover the cost for medical and healthcare services provided to patients.

The medical office staff in a doctor's office consists of several trained professionals. Each plays an equally important role in the daily operation of the office. Some doctors employ a medical coder in addition to the medical biller. This is a common practice if a doctor shares an office with one or several other doctors. Other doctors prefer a professional who is skilled in billing and coding.

Medical billing and coding are complex procedures, which require a lot of attention to detail. Only medical procedures that were actually performed by the doctor can be billed to the appropriate insurance agency. Sometimes these boundaries are a little blurred and the medical biller/coder has to decipher the doctor's notes to be able to correctly bill the insurance.

Interaction with the doctor is very important to clarify what procedure was actually done in the office. A broad knowledge of medical terms and insurance guidelines/rules is crucial for medical billing jobs.

Billers have many duties in a doctor's office. They send the claim to the insurance company, respond to requests related to the claim, and communicate with the patient or the insurance. Medical billers also send the bills out to the patients and turn unpaid bills over to collection agencies.

Medical billing and coding is a career that does not require the biller/coder to work directly in the office. Doctors often choose to employ a professional who works from home. Technical advances have made it possible for many part-time, and even full-time medical billing specialists to avoid the daily commute. This fact makes this occupation very attractive to many stay-at-home moms.

More and more medical billers/coders decide to specialize in a particular area of medical procedures. As medical procedures become more complicated, the billing process becomes more involved as well. Medicare claims are rising as baby boomers enter the retirement age and qualify for Medicare.

Constantly changing rules require the medical biller/coder to be up-to-date with the latest changes. Incorrectly filed claims will be returned by the insurance company and result in additional work.

Experienced medical billers can earn a good salary around $34,000- $40,000. Certifications and years of experience can lead to a career as a Medical Billing Manager and a salary that can easily top $50,000 per year.

Medical billing/coding is a very rewarding career that requires attention to detail and good interpersonal skills. This occupation offers many different options in regards to work locations. Common places of employment include hospitals and physician's offices.

medical coding training at home.

A Medical Coding Certification Equals Higher Earnings Plain And Simple!

medical coding training at home.

There seems to be a common misconception that obtaining a medical coding certification is of very little value. Although an individual can likely find a job as a medical coder without formal training, future opportunities and level of compensation are very limited.

Medical coding positions are in high demand, however, medical practitioners and medical facilities view the coding function as vital to their business operations. As a result, many employers set high standards, and most often require a medical coding certification, or at least someone currently enrolled in a certification program, as a minimum hiring threshold.

From the perspective of the physician or medical institution, hand holding and fielding basic questions is a time waster and has a detrimental effect on productivity. Hiring a medical coder who can hit the street running so to speak, is by far more cost effective and efficient. Further, liability risk is reduced as a medical coding certification exposes the coder to medical ethics and some fundamental medical law.

For individuals looking for a long term career as opposed to a short term job, it is imperative to receive a certification. Here are a few reasons why:

Higher Earning Potential:

Although experience is a main factor in earning potential, a credentialed coder will be hired at a higher pay rate, and reap the benefits of higher future compensation. In 2010, for example, the average earnings of a certified coder were slightly over $45,000, while a non-certified coder averaged around $37,000.

Easier Access To The Industry:

Employers are reluctant to hire, or even interview for that matter, individuals who are not certified or in the process of becoming certified. Simply taking the small step of enrolling in a medical coding training course or program will dramatically increase the chances of being interviewed and ultimately hired.

Future Advancement:

Larger medical practices and medical facilities such as clinics and hospitals generally have administrative departments offering a variety of roles. Individuals with a higher level of education are typically the first to be considered for higher paying senior administrative and managerial positions.

Greater Job Variety:

Obtaining a allows an individual to further their education and attain credentials in very specialized areas. By engrossing continuing education, a career path may lead to employment with a law firm, accounting practice, pharmacy, insurance provider, nursing home, or a specialized clinic.

Expanded Geographical Area:

Many individuals perform medical coding from home, and are able to secure clients in other areas of the country where demand and in turn, compensation is higher. Doctors and medical institutions are more apt to hire or contract medical coders in remote locations if they have a strong and credible resume, a big part of which is education and certification.

As you see, there are tremendous benefits to attaining a medical coding certification. Discussing and reviewing the various medical coding schools is beyond the scope of this article, however, there are many options which offer courses online as well as in the classroom. That being said, a good starting point are two very credible organizations, American Academy of Professional Coders which can be found at and American Health Information Management Association which can be found at .

medical coding training at home.

A Medical Billing Home Business is the Smartest Choice You Will Make

medical coding training at home.

Have you considered a medical billing home business as a way to be your own boss and work from your home? This work at home option is gaining popularity every day - and with good reason! The medical billing field is a good paying way to make money for yourself and live your life on your own terms.

What if you don't have any experience in this field? That isn't really an issue. There are plenty of online guides and courses that will allow you to learn what you need to know to start your own medical billing home business. These courses are fully accredited, and you can finish your training in much less time than you could if you attended a school or college!

Some things that will help you if you decide that you do want to start your own home business in the medical billing field is possessing good typing skills, as well as good grammar and spelling skills. If you have the necessary equipment, all you need is the training and you are ready to go!

Are you already trained in medical billing and coding? If you have experience and currently work in this industry, you may be wanting to start your own home business soon. There is a little work you need to do beforehand, such as writing out a good business plan.

What does a business plan include? Knowing what your start up costs will be, whether or not you have competition, and how to advertise your business and build a clientele. Being prepared is the biggest part of making your business a success.

When you begin a medical billing home business, often you will find out that getting your first client or two is the most difficult part. Not to worry - offer a good discount to your first couple of clients in order to get their business. Once you have just 2 or 3 clients, it's much easier to build from there. Getting established is your first step, after that your business will flourish!

Are you ready to learn how you can get started in this wonderful career opportunity? Whether you already have experience or need information on the best courses, you can learn all you need to know about starting a medical billing home business below.

medical coding training at home.

A List of Home Based Businesses to Consider

medical coding training at home.

Looking to start a home based business?

In this article, I'll list some of the more popular ones. Do not take everything on this list as a personal endorsement from me.

I am a very successful home business owner who runs a private training service, so I have my own preferences, but in the interests of objectivity, I will be the first to admit that there are numerous opportunities out there in home business land.

OK, let's get into it....

1. Medical Transcriptionist - Some of these opportunities are legit and some aren't. To be sure, it is a real field, and there are some legit job offerings here. But scams abound as well. Some people will sell you expensive courses on how to become a medical transcriptionist and claim when you complete it, you'll be able to land that job from home--and they'll even help you--but that help often never materializes.

2. Web designer/Developer - This is a great job you can do at home. But there is a learning curve. You have to be willing to learn how to code and design. An artistic eye helps, too. In my training service, we retain the help and expertise of professional web designers that my students get to leverage off.

3. Freelance writer - Have good writing skills? Put them to use. You can go to and look for work ghostwriting content and articles for people. It's a competitive market, though, and it will take time to build up a great writing resume.

4. Affiliate Marketer - My personal favorite. This is a 7+ billion dollar industry and growing. Unlike many work at home job opportunities, affiliate marketing offers you unlimited upside income potential and the ability to generate strong passive income. The downside is it's pay for performance. So you must perform if you expect to get paid. But incomes of hundreds of thousands of dollars per year and more have and will continue to be achieved by affiliate marketers, including the author of this article.

5. Virtual Assistant - If you've read Tim Ferriss's book "The 4-Hour Workweek," you'll see he advocates using virtual assistants. This will be a home based business opportunity that will grow in the years to come. If you become a virtual assistant, you will field emails, calls, and do scheduling for companies or individuals who are in need of such services.

Being an entrepreneurial minded person who doesn't like having bosses or income ceilings, I built my business around the affiliate marketing model and now even train students across the world to do the same, but any of the above are also potentially viable considerations.

Lastly, keep in mind this is not an exhaustive list of home based businesses. But it will give you some idea of what's out there.

medical coding training at home.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

A Legitimate Work From Home Job

medical coding training at home.

So you are exploring the possibility of working from home! Good for you, you are not alone. There are literally millions of other people looking for legitimate work from home job opportunities they could pursue from the comfort of their own homes. Your reasons for wanting to do this may be varied: to stay home with young children, a physical impairment or illness, retirement, or just fed up with the rat race!

Whatever your reasons are, I am sure that if you explore the possibilities carefully and with realistic expectations, you can find just the right (legitimate) work from home job for you!

Now where to get started?

Working at home - offline job possibilities.

Sell your knowledge, skills, or experience: consulting, bookkeeping, medical transcription or billing.

Disadvantages: You need to fund your own training and equipment, find clients, work when it suits them, rather than you, physically demanding, mentally tedious or boring.

Open a business in your home: hair salon, childcare.

Disadvantages: You might need to alter your home. You work full-time hours, when your clients need you. You fund your own training and equipment; must have insurance, and adhere to complicated health and safety codes.

Make own product or crafts to sell: quilts, candles, crafts, baked goods.

Disadvantages: you can only sell as much as you can make, labor intensive/ low profits; marketing is very time consuming

Catalog sales: like Avon.

Disadvantages: Lots of travel; need to keep stock; requires good "salesmanship" skills; wardrobe

Party plans: Tupperware, Usborne books.

Disadvantages: Difficult hours; evening parties; salesmanship involved

MLM: Amway, Herbalife.

Disadvantages: These can be lucrative, but it involves tons of hard work. You must become a "pest" urging your "downline" members to continue buying high-priced products. Not my cup of tea!

Although these legitimate work from home job options can be very successful, they are also very demanding and inconvenient. You must really hustle to make a decent living from them. Good hard work is honorable, and I admire your energy and determination if you make a go of one of these plans.

But honestly, these work-from-home opportunities don't offer a whole lot of advantages over a traditional outside job, and the pressures to perform may even prove more stressful! You might as well go back to your cubicle at the office and enjoy the fringe benefits and coffee breaks!

So now you may be thinking: "There has to be a better, more family-friendly way to make a buck."

So you turn to online income options.

Wow! When you turn to the internet in search of flexible work to do at home, you are bombarded! The Internet is jam-packed with get-rich-quick scams, "failsafe" offers, "foolproof" money-makers, seductive "experts". The clamor on the Web is deafening. And some of that noise is highly, dangerously persuasive. It is only too easy to end up confused, anxious and bewildered. It's even easier to lose two very precious things- your money and your time.

What you will find if you investigate these programs carefully is that once they have you hooked into their system, they want to sell you more and more stuff! This is a good way to make money, true, but not for you, for them! Steer clear of systems which "sound too good to be true", because they are.

Now here is a rundown of the usual online jobs being offered today:

Telecommuting: typing, customer service calls, data entry (only a very few are legitimate, and there is fierce competition for those very few "real" jobs.) If you do find a legitimate online typing job, you will find that the quotas required are absurd. You will spend long hours cramped in front of your computer, trying to hand in enough work to help pay the bills. The hours are often inflexible, wages very low and if you aren't there pounding away, you don't get paid!

Online Services: Taking surveys, reading emails, web research, surfing (Beware! These are all scams or pyramid schemes). Please ignore the ads that promise thousands per week on the internet. There really is no GRQ (get rich quick) plan out there which works. Trust me, I know it sounds great, and can be very seductive, but they just don't work! Those folks have absolutely nothing of value to offer, they just want YOUR money.

Auction sales: eBay: The competition for customers on eBay is cutthroat, as eBay shoppers are basically looking for the best price only. Packing and shipping is labor-intensive. You just cannot beat the power seller's price on new goods, and the amount of time you spend looking for that rare "find" at a yard sale could be better spent elsewhere.


The most common-sense and effective legitimate work from home job plan I have found for making money on the internet is this: build a web business via a theme-based content site. This is very do-able, very affordable, and I know it works, because I have done it!

Here are the advantages to this plan:

*Start from scratch with little start-up money.

*Total flexibility of hours. No boss, no time clock to punch.

*Don't need an actual product to sell; you can earn money as an infopreneur.

*Makes money while you are away from your computer; residual income.

*Not a GRQ scheme, but a long-term business that will grow over time.

This might be just the solution you are looking for! For more details about this viable home-based income plan, check out Stella's free report below.

medical coding training at home.

A Home Business Does Not Need to Be Expensive to Be Good

medical coding training at home.

Not everyone has a lot of capital to invest in a speculative venture like a home-based business. That being said, there are still inexpensive options available. Online businesses offer some of the best home business opportunities and may be exactly what you have been looking for.

The World Wide Web has made it possible for nearly everyone to start a home business. There are a wide variety of options available and many of the best opportunities on the Internet cost little if anything to start. Your options may seem endless and even a little confusing at times. That is why exploring and researching the market is so important when looking for the best home business ideas. The success of your home-based business idea depends on the choices you are about to make.

Selling your knowledge or life skills may be one of the best opportunities out there today. It requires minimal inventory and investment. If you have wondering what are the best home business ideas and opportunities, here is a list of ten to help you get started.

* Data Entry: The process of encoding data into fields to create database records.

* Document Coding: The appearance and semantics of a document, including embedded scripting language code. (html)

* Virtual Assistants: Independent contractor providing administrative, technical, or sometimes creative assistance to clients.

* Medical Transcription: Virtually transcribing proceedings in the civil and criminal court systems into hard copy documents.

* Customer Service Reps: Virtually answering questions, solving problems and providing advice or assistance between a business organization and its customers.

* Freelance Writers: Write independently for different companies or businesses for publication.

* Proofreaders: reading copies of a text in order to detect and correct any errors.

* Editor: overseeing documents to ensure that they have relevant content.

* Translators: the interpretation of meaning of a text in one language to another language.

* Telemarketers: Direct marketing in which a salesperson uses the telephone to solicit prospective customers.

* Online Tutors: Providing online tutoring services and homework help for students.

Starting a successful online home-based business is not any different than starting one offline in many respects. You must be able to implement relevant management skills with confidence, it is important when exploring the many home business ideas available today. Beware of "make money fast" programs; many are legitimate online opportunities but be savvy and do your research carefully.

Listen to the concerns and suggestions of employees, chat with people and offer training to your management teams. Provide them with the tools they need to be effective leaders. Motivated employees are crucial to your business, even if your operation is very small. Motivated employees are just as important as your own motivation. You will need to be familiar with customers and the products you represent. Be passionate about your best home business opportunities. Making a sale is not always a piece of cake and your dedication will help to maximize compensation.

Doing what you love can be a wonderful and fulfilling experience. The trick is to insure that you always remember why your doing it and do not lose site of your goals. Make sure compensation plans are in place and understood; both for yourself and any employees you might have. The bottom line is this for every home-based business idea: No matter how much you love your idea, it is not going to be worth much without a compensation plan in place that is fair, reasonable and equitable.

The hardest part to starting a home business is simply getting started. There is a time for planning and then there is a time for doing. All the planning in the world is for naught if it is never put into action. Do something you are passionate about and do your homework. If you do those two things then you are well on the way to taking your best home business ideas to fruition. Join in what hundreds of others have already discovered and start your online home business today!

medical coding training at home.

A Career in Medical Billing and Coding

medical coding training at home.

If you are looking for a career in the office or administrative line but would like to earn more than a plain office clerk, then medical billing and coding jobs can be the perfect career option. Those who are currently doing clerical or administrative job can add a medical billing and coding certification to their kitty and move onto a better salary. However, this is not job for young restless youth as it requires a lot of patience and concentration.

Every year, a number of medical billing and coding jobs go unfilled due to a shortage of trained professionals. These jobs exist in every medical institute and Insurance Company, private nursing homes etc chalking up the substantial demand. The lack of trained professionals can be chalked up to a lack of advertisement and insight into this particular field.

While the name, medical billing and coding, gives you the impression that this job involves medical or coding knowledge; in reality it is more of a book keeping job. The codes here refer to alphanumeric codes that stand for various medical duties and practices, that are used in lieu of the actual medical terms while drawing up bills for patients or insurance firms. And a medical billers' job is pretty much that of any billing clerk, except that he or she needs to an intrinsic knowledge of the medical codes and the rules and regulations that govern medical billing. Any medical billing and coding training pretty much covers this.

The salary is quite competitive and the job demands attention to details and tremendous concentration and patience. A little bit of investigative tendency may be an added bonus, because many a time you may need to chase down a number and a code to solve an errant bill.

Medical billing and coding jobs can either be full time and part time both, depending on the size and requirement of the employer. So be prepared to work long hours or weekends if you are looking to earn some extra cash. Agencies however do not encourage work from home as sensitive data is involved and often one Medical biller and one medical coder work together to process the large amount of work for an organization. However, there is also a career opportunity in opening your own Medical billing and coding business from home, if you have the right credentials and contacts.

Getting back to salary prospects, it can vary from company to company. Insurance companies and private medical facilities can pay more than government or social health care organizations. On the other hand established, reputed government run medical institutes are known to pay quite well as well. It also depends on the location of the medical facility, quite like school districts. More urban and posh the area, better the salary for the same job.

A Medical billing clerk may earn $10 to $15 an hour, but a medical billing and coding clerk can earn up to $18 an hour. For a permanent job, you might be looking at a salary between $30,000 and $40,000 annually. Considering Medical billing and coding training can be managed within $500, the turnaround is not bad.

Apart from a career as medical billing and coding experts, the training and expertise can open up career prospective in book keeping, and general billing in other non-health related fields as well. Of course with number of private health care agencies and insurance providers increasing every year, finding a job in the health care industry may not be hard. It can also be a career choice for those who like to work in the health industry.

It is highly likely that you have seen ads where employers are wanting medical billing and coding professionals. They are two of the most important careers in the healthcare industry, which is in high demand.

Though surely this is not the first time that you have heard about these terms, but do you really know what a medically billing and coding person does?

Both medical billing and coding belong to the group of service providers to doctors, who are too immersed in their professions to have the time to file for insurance claims to get paid for their services. Most patients today are tied with health insurance companies who pay for their healthcare needs. But how does the doctor get paid? They have to file claims for reimbursements for the services rendered to their patients. It is at this juncture that the medical billing and coding professionals step in.

A person knowledgeable in medical billing and coding is usually considered an expert in his field because of their highly-developed skills. These professionals are remunerated according to their training, experience, skills and the effective application of these skills. It is said that a medical billing or coding person can earn any where between $33,370 and $415,061 annually. This kind of income surely attracts many ambitious individuals in this field.

Which are the people or institution who seeks the help and support of medical billing and coding personnel? These would normally include physicians, clinics, hospitals, and patients in handling allied health issues. Also included are various medical offices and health insurance companies, and many more allied institutions. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, medical billing, coding and health information technicians are among the ten fastest growing careers in the healthcare industry.

It is important however to note that entering either medical billing of coding profession is an easy task. These jobs require a high degree of skill, expertise and experience in handling several important and critical areas of healthcare management including billing and accounts receivable, medical office management, insurance claims processing, submitting claims, etc.

The whole process of medical billing and coding would start much ahead of the patient actually turning up at the medical center and finishes long after the patient has been diagnosed and prescribed medicines. This is to avoid any delay, inaccuracy or miscommunication during filing for insurance claim. Hence it is important to verify and rectify the insurance benefits much before the patient lands up at the clinic. After the doctor has seen the patient, his observations are recorded in the medical record which is converted into appropriate codes for coding the insurance claim.

While undoubtedly medical billing and coding can become a very challenging career it could be rewarding too if you can become an expert in the field. With proper education and training, the sky is the limit as far as your personal achievements are concerned in this field.

One of the best parts about this profession is that depending on the company that you work for, you could do the job from home too. This is a very viable option for many who enter this profession. All you need to do is to consult your local college or adult education center and make enquiries about the details about their medical billing and coding programs.

medical coding training at home.

A Career in Healthcare Management - What Does a Medical Manager Do

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Whether the title is manager, medical practice manager, physician practice manager, administrator, practice administrator, executive director, office manager, CEO, COO, director, division manager, department manager, or any combination thereof, with some exceptions, people who manage physician practices do some combination of the responsibilities listed here or manage people who do.

Human Resources: Hire, fire, counsel, discipline, evaluate, train, orient, coach, mentor and schedule staff. Shop, negotiate and administer benefits. Develop, maintain and administer personnel policies, wellness programs, pay scales, and job descriptions. Resolve conflicts. Maintain personnel files. Document Worker's Compensation injuries. Address unemployment inquiries. Acknowledge joyful events and sorrowful events in the practice and the lives of employees. Stay late to listen to someone who needs to talk.

Facilities and Machines: Shop for, negotiate, recommend, and maintain buildings or suites, telephones, hand-held dictation devices, copiers, computers, pagers, furniture, scanners, postage machines, specimen refrigerators, injection refrigerators, patient refreshment refrigerators, staff lunch refrigerators, medical equipment, printers, coffee machines, alarm systems, signage and cell phones.

Ordering and Expense Management: Shop for, negotiate and recommend suppliers for medical consumables, office supplies, kitchen supplies, magazines, printed forms, business insurance, and malpractice insurance as well as services such as transcription, x-ray reads/over-reads, consultants, CPAs, lawyers, lawn and snow service, benefit administrators, answering service, water service, courier service, plant service, housekeeping, aquarium service, linen service, bio-hazardous waste removal, shredding service, off-site storage and caterers.

Legal: Comply with all local, state and federal laws and guidelines including OSHA, ADA, EOE, FMLA, CLIA, COLA, JCAHO, FACTA, HIPAA, Stark I, II & III, fire safety, crash carts and defibrillators, disaster communication, sexual harassment, universal precautions, MSDS hazards, confidentiality, security and privacy, and provide staff with documentation and training in same. Make sure all clinical staff are current on licenses and CPR. Have downtime procedures for loss of computer accessibility. Make sure risk management policies are being followed. Alert malpractice carrier to any potential liability issues immediately. Make sure medical records are being stored and released appropriately.

Accounting: Pay bills, produce payroll, prepare compensation schedules for physicians, prepare and pay taxes, prepare budget and monthly variance reports, make deposits, reconcile bank statements, reconcile merchant accounts, prepare Profit & Loss statements, prepare refunds to payers and patients, and file lots and lots of paperwork.

Billing, Claims and Accounts Receivable: Perform eligibility searches on all scheduled patients. Ensure that all dictation is complete and all encounters (office, hospital, nursing home, ASC, satellite office, home visits and legal work (depositions, etc.) are charged and all payments, denials and adjustments are posted within pre-determined amount of time. Transmit electronic claims daily. Send patient statements daily or weekly. Negotiate payer contracts and ensure payers are complying with contract terms. Appeal denials. Have staff collect deductibles, co-pays and co-insurance and have financial counselors meet with patients scheduling surgery, those with an outstanding balance, or those patients with high deductibles or healthcare savings plans. Make sure scheduling staff know which payers the practice does not contract with. Liaison with billing service if billing is outsourced. Credential care providers with all payers. Perform internal compliance audits. Load new RBRVS values, new CPTs and new ICD-9s annually. Run monthly reports for physician production, aged accounts receivable, net collection percentage and cost and collections per RVU. Attach appropriate codes to claims for e-prescribing and PQRI. Have plan in place for receipt of Recovery Audit Contractor (RAC) letters. Make friends and meet regularly with the provider reps for your largest payers.

Marketing: Introduce new physicians, new locations and new services to the community. Recommend sponsorship of appropriate charities, sports and events in the community. Recommend sponsorship of patient support groups and keep physicians giving talks and appearing at events. Thank patients for referring other patients. Track referral sources. Recommend use of Yellow Pages, billboards, radio, television, newspaper, magazine, direct mail, newsletters, email, website, blog, and other social media. Prepare press releases on practice events and physicians awards and activities. Recommend practice physicians for television health spots.

Strategic Planning: Prepare ROIs (Return on Investment) and pro formas for new physicians, new services, and new locations. Forecast potential effect of Medicare cuts, contracts in negotiation or over-dependence on one payer. Discuss 5-year plans for capital expenditures such as EMR, ancillary services, physician recruitment, and replacement equipment. Explore outsourcing office functions or having staff telecommute. Always look for technology that can make the practice more efficient or productive.

Day-to-day Operations: Make the rounds of the practice at least twice a day to observe and be available for questions. Arrange for temporary staff or rearrange staff schedules for shortages, meet or speak with patients with complaints, and meet with vendors, physicians and staff. Open mail and recycle most of it. Unplug toilet(s).

Stay Current in Healthcare: Attend continuing education sessions via face-to-face conferences, webinars, podcasts and online classes. Maintain membership in professional organizations. Pursue certification in medical practice management. Network with community and same specialty colleagues. Participate in listservs, LinkedIn and Twitter.

What did I leave out? Take a lunch?

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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

A Career As A Semi Driver

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Requirements for becoming a Semi Driver

A person could pursue a career as a semi driver if he is considered, according to the U.S standards, to be an expert driver. To qualify as an expert driver, one needs to master vehicle control, brake-control and speed limitations. People applying for semi driver licenses need to have prior knowledge of the highways and road routes in America. They also need to maintain records of mileage, deliveries and make sure that all the paperwork is completed with each loading. They are expected to act in accordance with the various regulations with regard to speed and road limits and driving hours that differ from state to state.

It is also important that the person should be able to work alone and concentrate for long periods. They should be self-reliant and security conscious, as the load is sometimes valuable or dangerous. Reasonable physical fitness and stamina are also required for carrying and lifting loads.

Payment And Opportunities

The salary rates for Semi drivers differ, depending on the company and type of load. A qualified and experienced semi driver earns in the range of $25,000 to $40,000 a year. The work timing of semi drivers involves late hours and nights away from home. The law has limited, for safety reasons, the total hours worked in a day and in a week. U.S. regulations govern the amount of hours a person can work, the distance he can travel and the amount of load the vehicle can carry. The distance depends on whether it is a local delivery or a nation-wide goods transport. Employers of semi drivers are either hauling firms or distribution departments.

Some experienced drivers become self-employed, owning and driving their own vehicle. Career progression to a supervisor position is possible.

Entry Tests And Training

Applicants are required to pass a test to acquire a semi driver license.

The test requires applicants to maneuver within limited space 25 miles of road driving and answer questions on the Highway Code. They are also tested on Truck Drivers Regulations and vehicle safety. To apply for a Semi driver license, an applicant should be above 18 years of age, with a clean driving history. Applicants must also pass a medical test and additional training, in the case of driving hazardous chemical vehicles.

A semi driver is never confined to a puny office and is able to enjoy the travel involved. Another advantage of being employed as a semi driver is that the person can work on a temporary or permanent basis. Furthermore, they can set their own hours of work, either nights or days. The job could involve traveling for days on end. Furthermore, a person on the move or in constant search for activity and with the necessary driving skill usually does well as a semi driver.

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A Brief Guide to Table Relationships in Access

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If you're starting to use Microsoft Access you may be able to create tables and queries and perhaps Forms and Reports. During your work with tables you may have also created links between tables. This article describes some of these linked relationships and how they can be used. For a fuller understanding of table relationships it is best to consider attending a Microsoft Access training course to learn lots more about this.

Table relationships in Access come in three varieties. These are one to many, one to one and many to many. The first type is the one to many relationship. For example one customer can place many orders. A company database might contain a Customers table and an Orders table. The Customers table lists all current customers, with table headings customer ID, customer name, address, town etc. The customer ID column will be a unique code to identify each customer.

The Orders table lists all current orders, with table headings order ID, customer ID, order date, number of items, cost etc. The database designer would have created a link between the customer ID field in the Customer table and the customer ID field in the Orders table. When the sales assistant takes a new order from an existing customer they would open the Orders table, add a new order record and this would include in the customer ID to identify the customer making the order.

Later the finance clerk would run a query using the two tables, to prepare the invoice. The invoice query would use the customer ID from the Customers table to extract the customer name and address and the order ID to extract the order number of items and cost from the Orders table. The linked tables would allow one customer to make many orders. This is a one to many relationship.

The second type is the one to one relationship. For example one employee has only one company car. Suppose our company staff need company cars to travel around the country. Our company database has a Staff table to list all out staff details with headings; staff ID, name, post, date joined etc. We also have a Cars table to list all the company cars with headings; car ID, Staff ID, make, colour etc. Our database designer has created a link between the staff ID field in the Staff table and the staff ID in the Cars table.

Then the duty manager assigns each car to a member of staff by adding one record in the Cars table per car. The staff ID in the Cars table identifies which member of staff has that car. And the database designer has configured the Cars table to allow only one car per member of staff. So the linked tables would allow one employee to be assigned to only one car. This is a one to one relationship.

The third type is the many to many relationship. For example many doctors can see many patients. Suppose you visit your doctor one day, get seen and go home again. You still feeling unwell so you visit your doctor again a few days later. These days many people attend a medical centre rather than a doctor's surgery, so on this second occasion you're seen by a different doctor. In fact there's a pool of doctors who see all the patients. OK you personally might still be visiting a doctor's surgery, but I'm sure you get the idea.

The medical centre database has three tables, not two, to achieve this. There's a Doctors table listing details for all the centre doctors with headings doctor ID, name, specialty, date joined etc. There's also a Patients table listing all the registered patients with headings such as patient ID, name, address, contact tel etc.

The database contains a third table which is used to link between the other two tables. The Link table has these two fields, doctor ID and patient ID. The designer links the doctor ID field in the Doctors table to the doctor ID field in the Link table and the patients ID field in the Patients table to the patients ID field in the Link table. The Link table is used by the receptionist to record every visit, so the table also has the fields Visit ID, Visit Date, Outcome etc.

To record each medical centre visit the receptionist adds a new record to the Link table. The doctor ID field is used to extract the doctor's details and the patient ID field to extract the patient details from the Patients table. These three linked tables allow many doctors to see many patients. This is a many to many relationship.

So there you have it - table relationships in Access. Relational databases such as Access allow users to relate data in one table to data in another table through these linked relationships.

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A Beginners Guide to Abbreviations in the Durable and Home Medical Equipment Industry

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Ok. So, you just landed a job at a company that manufactures, distributes or sells durable medical equipment, or DME. If this is your first time in this field, you have undoubtedly noticed the sea of new words, abbreviations and acronyms. Treading your way from day to day the first few weeks can be if you were in a foreign country.

Lucky for you, this article is your proverbial life preserver. So grab hold my friend. Soon you will be doing the equivalent of synchronized formations impressing your new boss, associates, colleagues, friends, family and maybe even your significant other.

DME Durable Medical Equipment

DME is defined as any medical equipment or device that is intended to be reusable or "durable." DME is almost exclusively prescribed by a doctor, physician, chiropractor or physical therapist and is primarily for home use. Therefore DME is often interchangeable with HME.

HME Home Medical Equipment

HME is defined as any medical equipment or device for use in the home. It is almost always of the "durable" nature. Thus HME is often interchangeable with DME. In fact many times when professionals reference such equipment they will use the term HME/DME or HME/DMEPOS.

DMEPOS Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics and Supplies

We have already covered DME. Prosthetics is the medical term for an artificial limb such as a leg or an arm. Orthotics is the term to describe the medical field that deals with the manufacture and application of orthotic devices. It can also encompass the practice of working with the torso.

O&P Orthotics and Prosthetics

Same as above abbreviated differently.

AMA American Medical Association

The American Medical Association is the nation's largest and most powerful association of physicians and medical students. It publishes the Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA) which is the world's largest weekly medical publication.

HCPCS Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System

HCPCS is commonly pronounced as "hick-picks." It is a set of health care procedural codes that, as described on Wikipedia, standardizes the coding system for describing the specific items and services provided in the delivery of health care. It is based on the AMA's current procedural terminology (CMT) and is, as of 1996, mandatory. They help agencies such as Medicare, Medicaid and insurance companies efficiently track and reimburse claims. Codes for durable medical equipment are considered level II and are alphanumeric.

CMS Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services is a federal agency within the United States Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). Its purpose is to administer the Medicare program. It also works with state governments to help administer Medicaid, the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) and health insurance portability standards. CMS was formerly called HCFA (Health Care Financing Administration).

MAC Medical Administrative Contractor

The abbreviation "MAC" is often used directly following DME. A DME MAC is a durable medical equipment medical administrative contractor. Their sole function is to process medical claims for Medicare. There are four DME MACs jurisdictions in the US, each serving a different geographical region-Noridian Administrative Services, CIGNA Government Services, National Government Services and NHIC (National Heritage Insurance Company). These DME MACs are referred to as durable medical equipment regional carriers, or DMERCs


Of course there are many other words and abbreviations you will run into in this industry, but the ones covered above will definitely get you going. Future articles will tackle more intricate terms in the DME industry.

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A Human Capital Development Approach to Achieving Customer Intimacy

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InterClean, Inc is a successful low cost leader in the distribution of industrial cleaning chemicals and contract janitorial services business. Their customer base includes health care facilities, manufacturing and service companies. The storage, packaging, labeling, safe usage and handling of their product are covered by the Code of Federal regulations title 40, part 370. A material safety data sheet (MSDS) is required to accompany each shipment. In addition to these regulatory requirements, InterClean Inc. conducted a survey of their customers to find that they desired customized solutions to their cleaning needs. To further dominate the market, InterClean has just completed a vertical integration with EnviroTech, which was one of their competitors.

Situation Analysis:

Issue and Opportunity Identification

The first issue is the low morale among the current sales reps. This attitude has been fueled by informal rumors of the merger with EnviroTech and the new corporate direction of customer intimacy. InterClean management can use the current situation of low morale to openly communicate with their sales reps that they are valued team members for the long term. A second issue is that there exists a skills gap between their current representatives, and what will be needed with the new company direction. This condition was discovered when the HR Consultant conducted a skills inventory. The opportunity to bridge this gap can be accomplished by further training of the current sales force in the requisite skills, or hiring people from outside the organization who already have these skills. The third issue is that the current sales reps have strengths in demonstrating how the product functions, describing the product's attributes, and persuading the customer to purchase their product. The new vision of customer intimacy would require a skill set to include strong listening skills, and an in-depth product knowledge including how regulatory requirements may impact the product's usage. An opportunity would present itself to further educate the incumbent sales reps concerning these issues. It was previously discussed that managers would initially get training and they could proceed to train their new hires which is our fourth issue. Wouldn't it be more fruitful if InterClean brought in a professional sales trainer on a Saturday and conducted "hands on" learning sessions regarding the application of customer intimacy principles? This tactic could be supported by individual e-book learning.

Stakeholder Perspectives/Ethical Dilemmas

Three major stakeholders must be considered. They are, the customers, current InterClean, Inc. sales reps, and the HR department. The vales and interests of the customers are very evident. They want their needs respected in the form of customized solutions to their cleaning needs. They also want products that are safe to use for their employees and non-toxic to the environment. The InterClean, Inc. sales reps value honest communications from management concerning their job status. They want to know if they have job security based on their past performance, or if they will be replaced by new hires or sales reps from EnviroTech whose skills are more in alignment with the new business goal. Lastly, we have our Human Resources people who value fairness in providing the company with they type of sales people that will accomplish the company's mission, and to the sales reps who have served the company or many years.

Rights and values conflicts appear to exist among the stakeholders. Most InterClean reps have established track records based on their straight commission sales. Implementing a training program that not only requires a different approach, but set of products would hamper their abilities to achieve the earnings and associated lifestyles that they and their families have grown accustomed to. Initially, they would be satisfying the customer's demand at the possible expense of losing their homes, automobiles and more. Human Resources people desire to achieve fairness to all stakeholders involved. It appears that fairness to the customer's needs in aligning talent and skills to the long term business objective should be the number one priority of human resources. Without customers, profits do not exist and eventually the business folds. Nobody wins.

Problem Statement:

InterClean, Inc. aspires to serve their customers with specialty chemical and janitorial service solutions by developing the tools necessary for a successful program which focuses on customer intimacy.

End-State Vision:

InterClean, Inc. will continue to dominate the cleaning chemicals and services market by having a well trained and justly compensated professional sales team that productively markets and sells cleaning solutions to professionals and middle managers principally in the medical, hospitality and manufacturing industries.

Alternative Solutions

InterClean Inc. had an issue with alignment of their human capital with their new vision of customized products. Similar to InterClean, Inc., Corrections Corporation of America (CCA) is a custom solution provider. Just like InterClean is more than chemicals that have a strong disinfectant odor, and cleaning services are more than people who scrub toilets, corrections is more than incarcerating inmates and throwing away the key. Today, our Federal government, and many state and local governments have found that it costs "$23,183.69" (The Third Branch Newsletter, 2007) to incarcerate an inmate for one year. CCA provides value by as they have established a track record of reducing operating costs of by greater than 20% in states where they operate facilities and provide customized incarceration solutions. They also deliver a better product as they are "more accountable for their constitutional violations than are public prisons," (Volokh, Alexander,2002), have more expedient bed capacity, higher quality risk management, innovation, inmate service delivery, procurement, improved efficiency and flexibility. With these specialized innovations and cost savings in corrections administration, municipalities are able to use the money formerly earmarked for prisons to fund better schools and health care in their communities. Similar to CCA, InterClean, Inc. needs reps that are skilled at thinking with the customer in mind and selling a variety of chemicals and services that are bundled together such as floor care chemicals with a technician to apply them bi-monthly, along with bathroom and hand sanitizing products, which meets their facility maintenance needs.

Secondly, where do reps with good listening skills and sensitivity to the customer come from? The scenario offers one alternative by utilizing the EnvioTech reps to sell the service, as this sales force, which has recently merged with InterClean, Inc. are already practitioners of customer intimacy. It was confirmed by the skills inventory recently conducted that the EnviroTech reps already have skills are in sync with the new business agenda. A second alternative are in-service training options. CCA addresses this issue as "all new full-time security personnel receive a minimum of 120 hours of training during their first year of employment areas such as crisis prevention, inflammatory/chemical agents, firearms, CPR/first aid and defensive tactics which are delivered by staff qualified in the appropriate area. At CCA, the Responsibility for the in-service training program rests with the corporate managing director of staff development and training, the warden, the facility training manager, and the facility training advisory board.

Analysis of Alternative Solutions

We have 3 goals, a professional well trained sales force which is very important but not of paramount importance as is providing customers with specialized cleaning solutions. Sales rep pay is important to have people who are motivated to learn the new system and do their jobs well fearless of economic hardships during their learning curve. The best solution would be having the professionals train the professionals such as a psychologist handling workshops with the sales reps on listening skills, and the engineering staff teaches them about regulatory issues and customized product groupings that can be sold as solutions to the customer's problems. During training and the learning curve for the new system, the sales reps would receive an average of the second half of last year's earnings on a salaried basis. Last and probably most important, the customers get specialized answers to their cleaning dilemmas. This alternative is a win-win-win for all parties concerned.

Risk Assessment and Mitigation Techniques

There are risks involved in any strategy. If morale is low, as was the case with the InterClean, reps, that is a situation of high severity. It appears from the water cooler conversations, that they felt that after the merger with EnviroTech, they would be replaced. They lacked trust in management. Employees that lack such trust often fall short of their productivity and job knowledge objectives to develop into the best employees that they can be. Even if we consider letting them continue their employment with InterClean, Inc. as inside sales reps and support this with job enrichment, it is likely that this will not be an adequate long term solution. Inter Clean management may want to counter the lack of motivation in their reps (another issue of extreme severity) by providing staff encouragement in addition to offering them challenges relevant to their job content with the addition of empowerment to solve customer problems in their new roles as inside sales reps. In this environment, in spite of management's best efforts, some reps that can, will find outside sales positions with other companies. This is another issue of extreme importance, but ultimately uncontrollable. (In an employment at will state). HR may want to mine their intimate reasons for leaving the company so future retention strategies can be put in place. Of great concern and severity is the possibility of not having classroom training for existing and new InterClean reps in the new business direction. New interpersonal skills will be needed for which structured learning in a classroom setting would be more effective as input can be received from both their instructors and other students as this is critical to their retention of knowledge. Lastly, and also of severe impact is safety certification for all sales reps. The value to InterClean customers is that reps can assist them with the proper technique to circumvent liability both civil and criminal liability with the safe handling, use and storage of chemicals.

With the above listed "deal breakers" ruled out, what is our best or optimal strategy?

Optimal Solution:

The optimal solution is the high point of this document. These are the tactics which will support InterClean, Inc.'s vision of unique product services to their customers. To execute this vision, InterClean reps will need solid training in listening skills, which is best suited for a classroom setting. This training which can be offered by the Cypress Media Group can transform sales people who excel in show and demonstrate techniques into people who are focused listeners... who can benefit their company by being better able to understand problems, maintain attention, retain information, clarify procedures, and build relationships. The InterClean reps will also need training in the regulatory environment of the cleaning business which is why initially classroom training conducted by InterClean's product engineering group would be essential followed up by independent study of regulatory manuals prepared by the engineering department and e-books.

It must be understood at the onset, that even after formal training of the InterClean reps occurs, a learning curve can be expected until they reach full productivity. During this time, they will be paid on a salaried basis, to offset the pressure to immediately sell the product. This salary will be based on their gross earnings during the second half of 2006.

On the basis of what has been recommended in the preceding two paragraphs, InterClean, Inc . will substantially benefit with a professionally trained sales force that does nothing less than delights their customers for years to come.

Implementation Plan

To implement this plan of training a motivated professional sales force which is skilled in customer intimacy, we have 4 deliverable s:

1.) The Wage Administration Manager will need to determine the training salary for each InterClean Rep. Work on this needs to commence immediately.

2.) Cypress Media Consultants will need to have a classroom seminar with the sales reps within the next 2 weeks.

3.) The day after the Cypress seminar, the InterClean Director of Product Engineering will need to lead a seminar for the sales reps concerning environmental regulations which affect the commercial cleaning chemical business.

4.) Environmental regulations manuals will need to be prepared and available to the sales reps at the seminar.

Evaluation of Results

Results of our business plan for InterClean, Inc. are readily measurable. Training, for example can be measured quantitatively by the number of seminars that our sales people will attend, but quality of training is of equal importance. Who conducts the training, is it classroom or on-line and is there a feedback mechanism for the trainees to comment on what they achieved in the seminar. Brief quizzes at the onset and conclusion of seminars might be an additional method to access if quality learning has occurred. Short mailed or faxed surveys can measure customer satisfaction. Perhaps initially, all customers will not respond or respond positively. What is important is to have a majority of customers respond positively by a pre-selected target date.


The strategy of customer intimacy or partnerships is the direction that most business are moving

towards. Most buyers have heard the "canned pitches" of outside salespeople repeatedly in their effort to control the sales interaction. Focusing on long term relationships, and being partners in solving problems as InterClean, Inc. is attempting to do is beneficial to all parties and non-exploitive. Initially, there were questions if the current group of InterClean reps could be motivated or retrained and how it could be successfully accomplished. I am certain that many people may have "written off" this sales team and simply had the EnviroTech reps that already had the proper skill set in alignment with the new strategy handle outside sales. The ethics of this "quick fix" were not acceptable. Through the 9 step process, it was proven that the InterClean reps can be motivated to change by trust, professional and quality training, and the opportunity for fair compensation for their efforts. This proved to be a win-win-win situation for all involved.

(May 2004). Costs of Incarceration and Supervision. The Third Branch Newsletter, 36 v Number 5, Retrieved April 28, 2007, from

Volohk, Alexander (May2002). A Tale of Two Systems: Cost, Quality and Accountability in Private Prisons". Published in 115 Harvard Law Review 1838, 1868 (2002) as part III of Developments in the Law: The Law of Prisons Retrieved April 28, 2007, from

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